I was trying to get Network Adapter Information from the Windows platform. So I have used an old API GetAdaptersInfo API . I was not sure whether it will work for Windows 10 but I have written a small sample to run on my Windows 10 PC and to my surprise, it still works. Though Microsoft recommended using GetAdaptersAddresses API over GetAdaptersInfo API. It's a very small piece of code but the order headers are very important. If we do not follow the proper order the program won't compile. <Code> #include <iostream> #include <winsock2.h> #include <iphlpapi.h> #include <cassert> #pragma comment(lib, "iphlpapi.lib") void PrintMACAddress() { DWORD _macAddress = 0; IP_ADAPTER_INFO _adapterInfo[16]; DWORD dwBufLen = sizeof(_adapterInfo); DWORD dwStatus = GetAdaptersInfo(_adapterInfo, &dwBufLen); assert(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS); PIP_ADAPTER_INFO _pAdapterInfo = _adapterInfo; char string[32]; do { sprintf_s(string, ...