In this section, I’d like to disassemble our main function which we’ve written in series 1 and would like to see how it looks like. Also would like to see if we can see the string “Hello World”. I’ve launched my sample executable using WinDbg. Then Issued following command: x sample_hello!*main* *** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for Sample_Hello.exe 00419048 Sample_Hello!__native_dllmain_reason = 0xffffffff 0041917c Sample_Hello!mainret = 0n0 004114b0 Sample_Hello!wmain (int, wchar_t **) 004122b0 Sample_Hello!__tmainCRTStartup (void) 00412290 Sample_Hello!wmainCRTStartup (void) 00413592 Sample_Hello!__wgetmainargs ( ) 0041a3d8 ...